The distinctive blue BrakeAce adaptors always draw attention and questions when I have them on my bike.
What are they?
How do they work
Is it ABS?
The first three questions will take some explaining but the last question - Is it ABS? - thats an easy answer no they are not.
So what are BrakeAce then?
BrakeAce is the first ever brake sensor for mountain bikers. Know WHERE and WHAT to improve so you can ride with more skill, better flow and more control. The sensors replace the calliper adaptors on your frame / forks mounting directly to your bike. The sensors record your braking events and display the results in the BrakeAce app.
How do they work?
Equipped with hyper sensitive strain gauges and power meter electronics, BrakeAce PF2 sensors measure your braking at 1000x/second. Brake events big and small are sent wirelessly to your phone where the real magic happens.
What makes BrakeAce different is that we don't just show you charts and raw data - our aim is to give each rider and every ride actionable insights to improve their flow.
Scientifically tested scores and complex algorithms do the work for you by cutting through all of your brake events and showing you the 3 places you can improve the most - your 3 Key Opportunities.
By using our proprietary BrakeAce Method you can focus on the right things in the right places to maximise your flow out on the trails.
Scores like the FlowScore, Brake Health, Brake Balance are all directly comparable between runs or against your buddies, and help you track your progress as you improve.
As mountain bikers we spend a large amount of our time going downhill and this involves braking to control our speed and remain in control.
As a coach we teach braking techniques to riders and to a certain extent we can see when people are braking, skidding, over braking etc. What we cant see are the how much pressure you apply to front / rear brakes, how often you dab the brakes, how long you drag brakes and how effective your braking is as a rider.
Having access to this accurate data allows coaches to analysis your braking, improve your braking technique along with skills coaching this will improve your control and increase your speed on the trail.
The App shows you an amazing amount of data but we concentrate of the Flow Score, the lower the Flow Score the better the braking is.
The app highlights Key Opportunities which are areas on the trail for you to hike back up to and session using the BrakeAce Method.
Once you have sessioned the trails and you feel you have improved then a full run of the trail is done and recorded. This then allows you / the coach to compare the runs.
This run is likely to highlight new Key Opportunities and the same process is followed until overall the riders braking is improved, control is improved and the speed has increased.
There may be other elements of the riders technique that also need to be looked as such as cornering technique, body position and even bike set-up.
If you want to experience BrakeAce for yourself we now offer 1-2-1 coaching sessions with BrakeAce please email Ben for more info and costs